Date: September 16, 2017

To: His Excellency Mr. António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General

CC: – His Excellency Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
– His Excellency Pierre Nkurunziza, President of the Republic of Burundi
– His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda and Mediator in the Burundi Crisis
– His Excellency John Pombe Magufuli, President of the United Republic of Tanzania
– His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya
– His Excellency Benjamin Mkapa, Mediator in Burundi Crisis
-Honorable Nikki Haley United States Ambassador to the United Nations
– His Excellency Ambassador Nebenzia Vassily Alekseevich, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations
– His Excellency Ambassador Liu Jieyi, Permanent Representatives for the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations
– Her Excellency Moussa Faki, Chairperson of the African Union Commission
– His Excellency Gaston Sindimwo, First Vice-President of Burundi
– His Excellency Joseph Butore, Second Vice-President of Burundi
– His Excellency Albert Shingiro, Permanent Representative of Burundi to the United Nations New York

 His Excellency Mr. Renovat Tabu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Burundi in Geneva
– Her Excellency Anne Casper, Ambassador of the United States of America to Burundi
– His Excellency Wolfram Vetter, Ambassador of the European Union to Burundi
– His Excellency Libérat Mfumukeko, Secretary General of the East African Community
– His Excellency Daniel Fred Kidega, Speaker of the East African Legislative Assembly
– Honorable Members of the Burundi Senate

 Honorable Members of the Burundi Parliament

Subject: Burundian-Swedish denonciation of supposed Human Rights abuses report by Burundian Government made by UNHumanRights experts.

Next week, the United Nations Security Counsil will meet to discuss on Human Rights situation in Burundi. We, burundians living in Swede want to bring to your attention the following:
1.We strongly condemn this raport of false accusations on Human Rights abuses by Burundian Government. This raport came after many other raport falsely accusing the Burundian Goverrnment for committing abuses on its citizens. This reveals once again that there is an ongoing hidden agenda of regime change. Many of those raports and resolutions which came to your attention were often brougt by some powerful nations whom have intrests in regime change.
2. As you may know, our country went through many crises in the past decade such as in 1972, 1981,1988,1993…and your august institution knew what happened at that time but chose not to act. We, Burundian living in Sweden are saddened to see that countries across the globe are uniting in fighting terrorism but it comes to our country these same powerful nations in the United Nation want to impose to Burundi to negotiate with terrorists and putschists.
3. We still have fresh memories of what happened in countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria…where some NGO´s defending Human Rights fabricated false accusations of Human Rights abuses and who advocated for regime change. Now we all know that those accusations were untrue and we see how these countries are struggling with all kinds of issues and the situation for Human Rights in these countries are worse than before.
4.We, Burundians have decided that the only way to come to power is by the vote. We do not want any more the old ways of regime change by wars, assassinations and intimidations.
5. From the above, if the United Nations really want to help us, they must accept that Burundi is an independent country, that it has now a legitimate Government where all the institutions are working and that Burundi has right to defend its interests. We ask the United Nations to support the Burundian Government in its effort to reconcile all Burundians.
6.We argue the UN Security Council to take a resolution which respect the Burundian Sovereignty and Burundian people in their pursuit of building a democratic and free Burundi.

We, Burundians assemble in these associations FFDU and CACEDEBU thank you for your consideration and your attention to this letter.